Doctor G    |     May 05, 2021

5 Healthiest Leafy Green Vegetables For Your Body

As an unseparated and crucial part of a healthy diet, leafy green vegetables come with dozens of health benefits. They are packed with vitamins and minerals important for your digestive system as well as for improving your well-being. When you opt for something healthier, try leafy green veggies brimming with fiber and are low in calories. Leafy greens are superfoods ...

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Doctor G    |     Apr 14, 2021

Caffeine Health Benefits And Side Effects

What are the most commonly consumed fluids in the world? Most of you definitely answer coffee and tea. And you’re totally right. Each day billions of people or approximately ninety percent of adults on the earth prefer caffeinated beverages to increase the level of activity and for many other reasons. For the average person, the principal source of caffeine is ...

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Doctor G    |     Mar 18, 2021

The Best And Healthy Foods For Diabetes

For those living with diabetes, there is no specific diet but the foods they eat make a difference in how they manage their diabetes. Accordingly, diabetes should be mindful of food groups that make up a healthy, balanced diet. In case you have diabetes, It’s highly recommended to take charge of your health by becoming nutrition-wise and mainly sticking to ...

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Doctor G    |     Mar 11, 2021

4 Healthy Drinks For Your Body

When it comes to healthy drinks, there’s no better option than water. It, in its turn, helps your blood carry nutrients. Water makes up over 60% of the healthy human body. It is mostly found in the body’s intracellular space (within the cells) and the others in the extracellular space. Hence, it’s a must to keep the body adequately hydrated ...

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Doctor G    |     Feb 08, 2021

7 Amazing Health Benefits of Apples

A popular old adage may come to your mind while learning the health benefits of apples - “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. Maybe it’s a little bit cliché but however, has some truth. Not just healthy, apples are also one of the most delicious, juicy. There are countless ways in which this amazing fruit can go a ...

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Doctor G    |     Nov 24, 2020

Pet-Related Diseases and How to Avoid Them

Pets are a great source of companionship that enriches life, brings comfort, and boosts overall happiness. Besides, it’s proven that pets can reduce stress levels, anxiety, and depression.  It’s a well-known fact, that America is a nation of animal lovers. According to the National Pet Owners Survey, during 2019 - 2020 approximately 67% of US households (it’s about 85 million ...

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Doctor G    |     Nov 22, 2020

Potential Health Benefits of Chamomile Tea

Are you a tea lover who is looking for boosting the immune system and reducing stress at the same time? Then chamomile tea is the best solution before bed for a perfect night's sleep. Sounds relaxing, right? It is a traditional herbal remedy with many healing benefits and calming tranquilizing effects.  Furthermore, prepared from the dried flower of chamomile, the ...

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Doctor G    |     Nov 17, 2020

5 Summertime Juices and Smoothies for Immune Boosting

Getting cold and feeling sick are the worst things in summer, aren’t they? Your body's immune system can protect you from getting sick and fighting off viruses and the wrath of microorganisms. Though it can’t do it permanently, you should continuously take some measures in terms of helping the immune system to function properly in tackling certain problems.   The best ...

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Doctor G    |     Nov 15, 2020

Figure Out How Much Sleep You Really Need

Sleep is one of the most important aspects that play a fundamental role in good health. During the sleeping time, your body and mind rest so that they can run properly at wake up time. Consequently, it cleans away unhealthy throwaway from your brain and regulates emotional balance. In addition, sleeping controls your inner biological clock or so-called circadian rhythm. ...

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Doctor G    |     Jul 14, 2020

What are psychological and emotional signs of stress and how to manage it?

What is stress? The human body is designed to encounter stress and respond to it physically, mentally, and emotionally.  At the most basic level, stress is our body’s normal reaction to pressures when changes occur. Some may face stressful situations occasionally. For others, it becomes a part of daily life- stress with work, family, lockdown, kids, etc.  Physical, physiological, or ...

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