

Unlimited access

Quickly and easily schedule your visit appointments by email, phone or through our IOS app, whenever you need. There’s no inappropriate time to get magnificent medical care.

Full access via technology

To get in touch with your doctor via internet, webcam, or e-mail may be crucial to you for a handful of reasons. With Direct Primary Care, you’ll be able to reach your doctor whether it’s after hours, on weekends or a holiday.

Extended consultations

The average physician’s appointment lasts just 10 to 20 minutes. We offer extended, relaxed visits. This means that you won’t feel rushed through an appointment any more. You are encouraged to ask any questions you have about your health. Don’t worry about the time it takes to ask questions.

Same-day or next-day visits

You may need to see your doctor on the same day if you are not feeling well. There is no need to schedule days or weeks in advance any more.

Chronic Disease Management

One of the main focuses of Direct Primary Care is disease management. Our goal is to prevent chronic diseases (diabetes, hypertension, stroke, heart disease, respiratory diseases, arthritis, allergies, and many more) with early screening or lifestyle measures. However, if this is not possible, we will effectively manage the disease.

Physical Exams and Disease Prevention

  •  Tests to check your general health or the health of certain parts of your body
  •  Preventative care, including accident prevention, diet, alcohol, exercise, tobacco, and drug use
  •  DOT Physicals
  •  Biometric screenings
  •  Special tests at certain times in your life, such as during pregnancy and age appropriate preventive screenings
  •  Well infant and child exams
  •  Male exams
  •  Female gynecological exams

IV Hydration

A hangover is the unpleasant symptoms that can develop after drinking too much alcohol. Hangover signs and symptoms may include seizures, confusion, vomiting, hypothermia, slow breathing. The consequences of not getting the right help in time can be serious.