Doctor G    |     Mar 26, 2020

Do face masks protect against COVID-19?

As the novel coronavirus continues to spread across the globe, the demand for face masks has increased significantly. But do they really prevent the spread of a virus? There are two common kinds of masks: surgical masks and N95 respirators. None of them completely eliminates the risk of illness and provides 100% protection. A regular surgical face mask will not ...

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Doctor G    |     Mar 20, 2020

Differences between bacterial and viral infection

There are two main types of organisms that cause infections: bacteriaviruses Bacteria are single-celled organisms with a simple internal structure that can survive in diverse environments, including extreme heat or cold. Most bacteria are harmless and do not cause infection. Some of them help to digest food, destroy microbes that cause disease, and give the body needed vitamins. Common infections ...

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Doctor G    |     Mar 18, 2020

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19)

Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that cause respiratory infections. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) was first reported in December 2019 in China. It is the disease caused by a new coronavirus. The virus is moving rapidly around the world. The disease may not initially cause any symptoms. It takes up to 14 days after exposure for symptoms to develop. ...

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